
It's a bug eat bug world out there. We can take advantage of this natural system to control the
the insects that damage (eat) our vegetable and ornamental gardens. While not as effective as
chemical pesticides, the creation of a micro-system involving insect predators and their prey
offers a safe alternative to poisonous chemicals and their long term effects on our  health and
our environment.

It has long been recognized that some insects feed upon other insects. In our quest for easy answers
to problems inherent in mass food production we have ignored the natural biological order of life and have instead focused on poisonous chemicals and genetic manipulation as the means to the end. Recently,
some vegetable and animal products have been recalled and banned from the market because of chemical contamination, or because their genetic components have been manipulated, and  not tested or approved
for consumption by humans or even domestic animals.

With natural insect control you will still have "bugs". But these bugs do no harm to you or your plants.
They only attack and destroy the bugs that consume and damage your plants.

The Resource Page will guide you to more information about insects, and their predators and prey. If you feel that natural insect control is right for you, then come back to Bugeatbug. Check out the Photo Page for
pictures of common garden pests and the bugs that eat them.